Brightspace Technical Requirements

For an optimal experience that offers better performance, accessibility, and security, D2L recommends that all users access Brightspace with the latest version of a supported browser.


By default, most browsers automatically update to the latest version. To ensure you are always running the latest browser version, D2L recommends that you set your browser to auto-update.

D2L is committed to performing key application testing to ensure that Brightspace performs as expected when new browser versions are released.

Brightspace requires your browser to enable both JavaScript and cookies.

Supported Browsers

Supported browsers are the latest major version of D2L's supported browsers (see table below).

You can report problems and receive technical support for issues with supported browsers.

D2L takes great care and effort to test Brightspace against all our currently supported browsers.

Desktop Computers

Brightspace is supported on the following desktop platforms with the latest browser versions:

Platform Apple® Safari® Google® Chrome™ Microsoft® Edge Mozilla® Firefox®
Apple® Mac OS® Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft® Windows® Not Applicable Yes Yes Yes

Tablets and Mobile Devices

Brightspace is supported on the following tablets and mobile devices with the latest browser versions:

Platform Apple® Safari® Google® Chrome™ Microsoft® Edge Mozilla® Firefox®
Apple® iOS® for iPhone® and iPad® Yes Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Android™ OS for Android phones and tablets Not Applicable Yes Not Applicable Not Applicable


Although Safari is a supported browser, we regularly receive reports of issues that occur while using Brightspace on Safari. Our recommendation is to use an updated version of Chrome or Firefox.

Retro and Legacy Browsers

Using a browser below the latest update threshold prompts the message "Your browser is looking a little retro". The browsers currently include:

  • Chrome 112+ (released March 2023)
  • macOS Safari 16+ (released September 2022)
  • Android Chrome 107+ (released October 2022)
  • iOS Safari 16+ (released September 2022)
  • Firefox 112+ (released April 2023)

If you use a Legacy Browser, you may have difficulty accessing parts of Brightspace if your browser is not up to date. This prompts the message "Unsupported Browser" when logging in. Browsers older than these receive legacy messaging:

  • Chrome 74 (released April 2019)
  • macOS Safari 13 (released September 2019)
  • Firefox 67 (released May 2019)
  • Chrome OS Chrome 74 (released April 2019)
  • iOS Safari 13 (released September 2019)
  • Android Chrome 74 (released April 2019)

About Chromebooks

Google supports Chromebooks six years after the initial release of the device, regardless of purchase date. D2L recommends knowing when Google’s Auto Update Expiration is set to occur for your device. This can be found by referring to Google Approved ChromeOS devices (opens in new tab) and searching for your device.

When Google’s support ends, Chrome will no longer update and no further updates to features, performance, or security will occur, and after will fall into Legacy followed by Unsupported browser coverage. D2L’s Legacy and Unsupported browser support is covered above. If Chrome support on the Chromebook has expired, there is an option to install an alternate browser (opens in new tab) like Edge (via Play Store) or Firefox. In this situation a ChromeOS version of 80 or higher is required.

Blocked Browsers

Blocked browsers are browsers that are explicitly blocked by Brightspace due to extremely low usage, potential of severe security vulnerabilities, or performance issues. Currently, this list includes:

  • all versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge Legacy.

D2L does not provide technical support for blocked browsers.

When a browser version is classified as a blocked browser, a feature appears in the Brightspace Platform release notes notifying users about this change.

If a user attempts to connect to a Brightspace instance with a blocked browser, an error message displays which prevents them from logging in.

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