
Option one for group enrollment via a link provided by your instructor in an announcement or in content (if there is a "Groups" link in the navbar, see the next section for instructions).

  1. Select the link provided by your instructor.
  2. Select the radio button next to the group you want to enroll in. To view who has already enrolled in a group select the link in the members column. 
  3. Select the Select button.
  4. Select the Yes button to confirm your selection. The next screen shows your group enrollments in the course. 
  5. To email your group members select the icon in the Email column. 

Option two for group enrollment via the Groups link in the navbar.

The Groups link is not in the navbar by default.  Instructors must add the link to the navbar for students to have access to the Groups tool.

  1. Select the Groups link in the navbar. 
  2. Select the button View Available Groups.
  3. To see who is in a group select the link in the Members column.
  4. Select the Join Group link to join a group.
  5. To email your group members, select the icon in the email column.

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