Create and Post Video to Panopto Assignment Folder

This page explores how to create a Panopto video and post it to a course assignment folder that exists within Panopto.

The instructions below will guide you through that process. This is only possible if your instructor has created a folder (called an Assignment folder) within the course Panopto folder. If the instructor has not created a Panopto Assignment folder for you to upload/record to, then the instructional steps below will not work. If you run into issues and cannot locate the course Panopto Assignment folder, please contact your instructor.


If your instructor also requires you to post the video to a D2L discussion post, assignment, or quiz response, please refer to the Create and Post Video to D2L help page.

Instructional Steps

Step 1

From within your D2L course, select UA Tools in the Navbar and then select Panopto.

Step 2

Select the appropriate Assignment folder. It will be a subfolder of the main course folder. It may not actually say assignment in the folder name. Contact your instructor to find out the name of the folder.

Panopto assignment folder

Step 3

Now that you are inside the Panopto Assignment folder, you can either upload a video you have stored on your computer or device, or you can record a new video in Panopto.

For instructions on how to upload or record a video, visit the help pages below.

Record a Panopto Video

Upload Videos to Panopto