Media Library

What is the Media Library? 

The Media Library is a tool that enables users to store, stream, and create audio and visual materials in one place. Anything created or stored in the Media Library can easily be added to any D2L course site.

To access it directly, click the Admin Tools icon (settings gear) next to your D2L Profile icon. 

Admin tools menu

You can perform the following actions using the Media Library tool:

  • Create both video and audio files.
  • Filter content based on audiovisual type.
  • Update file information, such as the title and description.
  • Edit video timelines using the editor.
  • Add chapters to video content.
  • Create manual and automated captions for video content.
  • Download audiovisual content to a device.
  • Preview content.
  • Delete files.

Record Video or Audio Content via Webcam

Step 1

To record via the Webcam, after accessing Media Library, select Add, then Record Webcam

Step 2a

To record a video with audio, select New Recording.

Step 2b

To record audio only, select the Audio-only toggle.

Audio only toggle

Step 3

After recording, select Next to provide a title, an optional description, the language of the audio, and to generate captions.

Edit, Preview, Download, Delete or Restore Files

  • Select the More Actions menu (three horizontal dots icon) to the right of a single video to access the option to Preview, Download, Edit, Rename, Edit Description, Transfer Ownership, and Delete
  • Select multiple files, then open the More Actions menu above the list of files to Delete or Transfer Ownership in bulk. 
  • To restore a file that is in the Recycle Bin, click on its icon. 
  • The More Actions menu for a single item offers the option to Restore or to Delete Permanently
  • The More Actions menu for bulk allows you to restore more than one file at once. 

Search Content with Improved Filters

Locate audio-visual content using the filters in the Media Library.

  • Content Type: Audio, Video, or Both
  • Source: Where content was added from. Multiple filters can be selected. Filters include
    • Content - Uploaded from the Content tool
    • Media Library - Uploaded or created in Media Library
    • Audio or Video Note - Content created in Audio or Video Note
    • Imported - Added from course imports
    • Other - Content added before the addition of source tracking
  • Date Modified
    • Changes to Date Deleted are updated on the Recycle Bin screen.
  • Date Created

Step 1

To search from the Media Library, open the Filters menu. 

Step 2

Under Source, the following options are available: Select All, Content, Media Library, Video Note, Capture App, Imported, Other

Step 3

Once you have set the filters as desired, select the Search icon to search.

Filter then Search

Capture App is currently unavailable.

View Scrolling Captions

Transcript View enables the viewing of video file playback with scrolling captions. Users can select either a TXT (transcript) or a VTT (caption track) format for downloading to their devices. The following steps are exactly the same for audio as for video transcripts.

Step 1

To access the scrolling transcript, select the Settings gear icon at the bottom right of the video.

Step 2

Click View Transcript

Step 3

The transcript will scroll down, and the option to download will appear in blue.

Download button appears

Step 4

Click the Download button to access the option to select Transcript (.txt) or Captions (.vtt).

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