Account Deprovision Process

Our campus Zoom contract restricts us to a certain number (50,000) of Zoom pro account licenses. To ensure we do not go over that number at any time during our contract period, a deprovision process is put in place.

Deprovision refers to the removal of advanced paid features on a user's account. If a user's UArizona Zoom account is deprovisioned, it will be changed to a Basic account. A basic account is limited to 40 minute meeting lengths and will only allow up to 100 participants per meeting. Additionally, cloud recording will be unavailable.

The Process

The deprovision process is conducted 3 times a year at the end of every fall, spring, and summer semester. The process looks for users that have not signed in to the Zoom client (desktop/mobile app) in the previous 4 months. If an account has not signed in to the Zoom client within that time period, it will be deprovisioned to a basic account and have minimal features.

The idea is to only have active user accounts taking up pro licenses on our campus account so we don't risk going over our contract limit.


To avoid the risk of having your account deprovisioned ensure that you are signing in to the Zoom client (desktop/mobile app) via SSO at least once every few months. For instructions visit our Sign in to Zoom Client help page.

Regain a Campus Pro License

If you notice your campus meetings are getting limited to 40 minutes or you no longer have access to cloud recording, your campus Zoom account has likely been deprovisioned.

How do you get a pro license again?

To regain a pro license, sign in to the Zoom client (desktop/mobile app) or to the campus Zoom web portal (opens in new tab). This will grant your Zoom account a campus pro license again.

When you sign in to the web portal and go to your Profile, you will be able to determine the status of your account and whether it is licensed or basic.

Zoom web portal profile screen