Select Meeting Settings

When you schedule a Zoom meeting you will be able to choose several settings to apply to your meeting. Note that some of the options you see below might not be available via the D2L Zoom interface or if they were disabled and locked to the off position at the campus account level.

  • Schedule For: If you have scheduling privilege (opens in new tab) for another user, you will be able to choose who you want to schedule for from the dropdown menu.
  • Topic: Enter a topic or name for your meeting.
  • + Add Description: Enter an optional meeting description.
  • When: Select a date and time for your meeting. You can manually enter any time and press enter to select it. For example, you can enter 15 in the minutes field. 
  • Duration: Choose the approximate duration of the meeting. This is only for scheduling purposes. The meeting will not end after this length of time.
  • Time Zone: By default, Zoom will use the time zone set in your Zoom profile. Within your Zoom profile in the web portal, select the drop-down menu to select a different time zone.
  • Invitees: Enter the name(s) or email address(es) of users on your account that you want to invite to this meeting. 


This Invitees option only appears if you have Continuous Meeting Chat enabled (opens in new tab) in your settings. Continuous Meeting Chat can be disabled when scheduling individual meetings and the Invitees field still be used to invite other users on your account, but no dedicated meeting chat will be created. 

  • Recurring meeting: Select this checkbox if you want a recurring meeting (opens in new tab) (the meeting ID will remain the same for each session). This will open up additional recurrence options.
    • Recurrence: Select how often you need the meeting to recur: DailyWeeklyMonthly, or No Fixed Time. Meetings can recur up to 50 times, so if you need more than 50 recurrences, use the No Fixed Time option.

      Not sure which to choose? See the definitions of each below:

      • Daily
        • meeting repeats every single day (up to max 7 days) 
        • can choose a specific end date or end after number of occurrences (max of 20)
        • do not choose this option if your meeting repeats every week and/or month
      • Weekly
        • meeting repeats on a weekly basis (ex. every week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
        • can choose how often they repeat (every week, every 2 weeks, every 3 weeks, up to max of every 7 weeks)
        • can choose specific days of the week the meeting occurs during the week
        • can choose a specific end date or end after number of occurrences (max of 20)
      • Monthly
        • meeting repeats just on a monthly recurrence
        • can choose how often they repeat (every month, every 2 months, up to max of every 3 months)
        • can choose that it occurs on a specific date of the month or that it occurs for example every first tuesday of the month.
        •  can choose a specific end date or end after number of occurrences (max of 20)
      • No Fixed Time
        • meeting has no time or date attached to it
        • it can be started on the fly at any time you choose (similar to your personal meeting room)
  • Registration: Check this option if your meeting will require registration. Instead of a join link for your participants, you will be provided a registration link. If registration is required and the meeting is reoccurring, choose one of these options:
    • Attendees register once and can attend any of the occurrences: Registrants can attend all of the occurrences. All dates and times of the meeting will be listed and the registrant will be registered for all occurrences.
    • Attendees need to register for each occurrence to attend: Registrants need to register separately for each occurrence to attend. They can only choose one date and time on the registrant page.
    • Attendees register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend: Registrants register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend. They will need to select which dates and times they would like to attend and they will only be registered for those occurrences. They can choose multiple options.
  • Template: Apply a meeting template (opens in new tab).
  • Security
    • Passcode: Enter a meeting passcode. Joining participants will be required to input this before joining your scheduled meeting.
    • Waiting Room: Enable Waiting Room for the meeting.
    • Require authentication to join: Restrict access to the meeting so that only signed-in users can join.
      • When scheduling a meeting with authentication required, hosts can add authentication exceptions and import a CSV file to bulk upload authentication exceptions using the participants’ names and email addresses. The added participants will receive unique meeting invite links and bypass authentication.
      • To add authentication exceptions:
        • By Authentication Exception, select Add. The Authentication Exception pop-up window will appear.
        • In the pop-up window, enter the participant's full name and email address.
        • Select + Add Participant to add another participant.
        • Select Save.
      • To bulk upload authentication exceptions:
        • Select Import from CSV. A pop-up window will appear.
        • In the pop-up window, select download to download the CSV template. The CSV file format requires the participants' email and full name. Configure and save the CSV file.
        • In the pop-up window, select Import and select the CSV file that you want to upload.
        • Select Save. The participants will appear in the Authentication Exception list.
        • Select Save.
  • Video
    • Host: Choose if you would like the host's video on or off when joining the meeting. Even if you choose off, the host will have the option to start their video.
    • Participants: Choose if you would like the participants' videos on or off when joining the meeting. Even if you choose off, the participants will have the option to start their video.
  • Audio: Allow users to call in using Telephone only, Computer Audio only, or Both.
    • Dial in From: If Telephone or Both is enabled for this meeting, select Edit to choose the dial-in countries to include in the invitation.
  • Options (click Show to display the options)
    • Enable join before host/Allow participants to join anytime: Allow participants to join the meeting without you or before you join. If enabled, you can also choose how far in advance of the scheduled start time you wish them to be able to join: 5 minutes10 minutes15 minutes, or Anytime.
    • Mute participants on entry: If join before host is not enabled, mute participants as they join the meeting. Participants can unmute themselves after joining the meeting. To mute all participants currently in a meeting, see the options to manage participants (opens in new tab).
    • Breakout Room pre-assign: Pre-assign participants to breakout rooms.
    • Allow host to save video order: The host may save the arrangement as a custom seating chart. The Require authentication to join setting must be enabled for this setting to appear.
    • Automatically record meeting: Select if you want to record On the local computer or In the cloud.
    • Enable focus mode when meeting starts: Automatically start the meeting with focus mode (opens in new tab) enabled, in order to provide fewer distractions to all meeting participants. This feature requires Zoom client version 5.9.0 or higher.
    • Approve or block entry to users from specific regions/countries: Allow users from specific regions to join your meetings; or block users from specific regions from joining your meetings. Users' region/country is determined by their IP address.
    • Alternative hosts: Enter the email address of another Licensed Zoom user on your account to allow them to start the meeting in your absence. If enabled, you can also select the check box to Allow alternative hosts to add or edit polls.
  • Interpretation: Enable language interpretation (audio) and sign language interpretation (video) for the meeting. You also have the option to enter the email for the interpreter and their language or sign language they are interpreting, or you can assign it during the meeting. These interpretation settings must be enabled in your account settings for them to appear.

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