Locate a VoiceThread

Locating a specific VoiceThread on the VoiceThread Home Page (opens in a new tab) can become difficult if you become associated with a lot of courses that are using VoiceThread, or a lot of others have shared VoiceThreads with you. Below are some tips for easily locating your VoiceThreads on the VoiceThread Home Page.

Locate a VoiceThread with Filtering and Search

Step 1

Navigate to UArizona VoiceThread (opens in a new tab).

Step 2

Select Sign in from the VoiceThread Homepage navbar.

Step 3

Log in with NetID and password if necessary.


For more information about getting logged into UArizona VoiceThread, please visit the Log Into VoiceThread help page.

Step 4

Select the VoiceThread Logo in the top left to ensure you're on your VT Home Page

Step 5

Select the drop-down filter and sort button next to the word VoiceThreads expand the filter and sort menu.

Image showing the expansion of the filter and sort menu in VoiceThread

Step 6

From the filter and sort menu, you can make many selections that will help make it easier to locate the VoiceThread you're searching for.


  • All - Displays all VoiceThreads you have access to across the entirety of VoiceThread.
  • Owned by me - Displays only the VoiceThread you are the owner of.
  • Shared with me - Displays only the VoiceThreads that have been shared with you, either as an Individual, through Groups, or through Course Folders.
  • I've subscribed to - Displays only VoiceThreads you've subscribed to.
  • Tutorials - Displays the tutorial VoiceThreads on how to Create, Comment, Share, and Moderate).


  • Newest First - Displays the list in ascending order by date.
  • Oldest First - Displays the list in descending order by date.
  • Title (a-z) - Displays the list in ascending order by title.
  • Title (z-a) - Displays the list in descending order by date.


You can also use the Search field to search for a VoiceThread by name.

Image showing typing in the search bar and results returned in VoiceThread

Locate a VoiceThread in a Group or Course Folder

If you are searching for a VoiceThread that is associated with a certain D2L Course or VoiceThread Group, it may help to narrow your search by looking in the VoiceThread Group or D2L Course Folder specifically. To filter by a Group or Course Folder, follow the subsequent steps.

Step 1

Follow the first 3 steps in the Locate a VoiceThread with Filtering and Search section above to log into UArizona VoiceThread.

Step 2

In order to see the list of Groups and Course Folders, you may need to expand the side bar using the arrow menu icon in the left of the screen.

Image showing the expansion of the Courses sidebar in VoiceThread

Step 3

Locate the Group or Course Name in the side panel, and select it to filter the results to show only VoiceThreads in that particular Group or Course Folder.

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